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CSHS Exhibits and Displays

Our community outreach extends to Canadians who may never have heard of our small ethnic group.  In competition, the CSHS has twice been selected, to present displays at the Ontario Legislature.  In each instance, the display was prominent in location and was shown for a six month period.  The first display highlighted the “narodne noše” Slovenian national costume. Our most recent display focused on the life of Slovenian miners in Timmins in the 1920s. 


Another, large scale display was the result of a collaboration between the CSHS and the Slovenian Migration Institute at the Scientific Research Centre (SRC) of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

Marija Pomagaj 70th Anniversary Exhibit

This exhibit has been set up to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Marija Pomagaj
                         Exhibit opening on Sunday December 8th, 2024

Under construction
Exhibit A: Starting the first Slovenian church in Canada

What steps needed to be completed before the diocese gave permission to build Marija Pomagaj Church.

Exhibit B: Building Marija Pomagaj

The construction of Marija Pomagaj, at 609 Manning Ave. in Toronto started on December 7, 1953 and was completed on December 1954. A few years later additional houses were purchased on the north side of the church. In June 1965 the houses were demolished and replaced with a new rectory and a parking lot. Many upgrades were performed but the most noticeable was the rearranging of the front stairs. Then in 1974, the presbytery was remodeled according to the directives of the Second Vatican Council.

Exhibit C: Priests and Nuns

The clergy involved with Marija Pomagaj Church

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