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Our Story Index

V14 Number 2 Summer 2024

o Coming to Canada - Stephanie Schaeffer o Heirloom Nook - Anne Urbančič o Archivist's Corner

V14 Number 1 - Spring 2024

o Coming to Canada - Stephanie Shaeffer o HEIRLOOM CORNER ~ Anne Urbančič o Archivist's - Heather Gardiner o 2024 AGM

V13 Number 4 - Winter 2023

o The Heirloom o CSHS Awarded an OTF Grant o Participants wanted for PhD study

V13 Number 3 Autumn

Life in the Camps - Milena Soršak What should we do with all this stuff? - Anne Urbančič PROMINENT CANADIAN SLOVENIANS - Frances Končan

V13 Number 2 Summer

Congratulations CSHS! Congratulations Stane Kranjc! - Anne Urbančič
The Way In - Mikayla Kure
Archivist's Corner ~ Heather Gardiner - Researching at the CSHS Archives

V13 Number 1 Spring 2023

Easter - A Time of Hope - Stephanie Schaeffer
A Canadian Slovenian in an Elite WWII command unit. - Dorothy Lenarčič
Bibiana Čujec (nee Dobovišek) - Miriam Čekuta
Archivist's Corner ~ Heather Gardiner

V12 Number 4 Winter

Baragovi Dnevi 2022 v Torontu - Milena Soršak
The Forgotten Angels - John Tratnik
Dr. Peter Urbanc - Sonya Urbanc

V12 N3 Autumn

Report on documentary 'Slovenian Exodus 1945
Remembering Stan Sajnovic - Stan Sajnovic Jr.

V12 Number 1 2022 Spring

Encounters with the Sacred: A Canadian-Slovenian Novel - Berta Milavec Byrne
CSHS Archives receives support from Library and Archives Canada - Heather Gardner (Archivist)
The Importance of Those Same Old Stories - Anne Urbančič
Remembering our Protectors - Helen Smolej-Schaeffer

V11 Number 4 2021 Winter

Proffesional Canadaian Hockey Players with Slovenian roots - Stane Kranjc and Miriam Čekuta
V čast: Mia Ferkul
V spomin: Slavka Stajan

V11 Number 3 Fall

Reflection on Slovenian Independence - Anne Žagar
Making (Baking) New Traditions - Anne Urbančič
.Ivan Plut - Milena Soršak
Anica Resnik, 100 letnica - Milena Soršak
Happy 30th Anniversary of Independence, Slovenia! - Stephanie Schaeffer

V11 Number Spring 2021

Reflections on Slovenia's Independence (30 years) - Dorothy Lenarčič
Jože Slobodnik - Milena Sorsak
Recap of the AGM - Peter Markeš

V11 February 2021

Newsletters not published because of Covid - Miriam Čekuta
Sing, Even Under Difficulty - Helen Smolej-Schaeffer
Spring Cleaning 2020 - Anne Urbančič

V9 number 4

At Pier 21 - Anne Urbančič
Remembering May 1945 - Slovenian Exodus - Anne Žagar
CSHS Library Report - Jožica Vegelj
Meet Our New Archivist - Heather Gardiner

V9 number 3

Remembering May 1945 - Slovenian Exodus - Anne Žagar
Veseli Dom - Anne Urbančič
60 Years of Nagel - Milena Soršak
Canadian Slovenians Have Talent - Franca Anderson

V9 Number 2

About the Flag of Slovenia - Anne Urbančič
Video Interviews - Povejte Nam Kaj - Mario Ulčar
SCCN Congratulations on celebrating 30 years
60th Year of Slovenian Day Celebrations - Stane Kranjc

V9 number 1

Canadian-Slovenians and Their Credit Union Traditions - Peter Markeš
The Keepsakes in Your Closet - Anne Urbančič
Easter: The Bunny, Egg and New Life - Stephanie Schaeffer

V8 number 4

Celebrating 15 Years of CSHS - Miriam Čekuta
Podibice - Anne Urbančič
Our Vision and Mission Statement

V8 Number 3

CSHS Celebrates 15 Years
60th Anniversary of the Slovenian Summer Camp - Milena Soršak & Mark Ferkul
Cookbooks and Archives - Anne Urbančič
Captain John's Harbour Boat Restaurant - Anne Žagar
Inside the Archives: Connecting To Family Through Records and Discovery
of the Holy Name Society - Emily Chicorli

V8 Number 2

Stories from the Archives: Janez Marentic - Emily Chicorli
Thinking about Oral Histories - Part 2 - Anne Urbančič

V8 Number 1

Inside the CSHS Archives: Andy Stritof - Emily Chicorli
Thinking about Oral Histories - Anne Urbančič
Button Accordion Championships 2018 - Franca Anderson
Activities; Luncheon, AGM

V7 Number 4

Miklavževanje - Milena Soršak
Ephemera - Anne Urbančič
Advent Wreath - Franca Anderson
Archivist Corner - Emily Chicorli
Thank You / Events

V7 Number 3 2017 Fall

Trgatev - Milena Soršak
Lipa Park 50th Anniversary - Mary Rožmanc
Povejte Nam Kaj - Anne Žagar
Forever Slovenian Film - Sarah Pušič Larsen
Kitchen Secrets- Heidy Novak
A brief History of Potica - Anne Žagar
Miloš Zajc, an Immigrant's Kalaidoscope: Slovenia, Italy, Canada - Anne Urbančič

V7 number 2 2017 Summer

Happy 150th Birthday Canada! - Stephanie Schaeffer
Ottawa Exhibit 2017, A Year-long Multicultural Showcase
Frederic Baraga, Apostle of the Lakelands

V7 Number 1

Slovenian Canadian Club of Calgary celebrates 50th anniversary years– Anne Urbančič
Congratulations to the St. Joseph's Society - Jerry Ponikvar
Marija Škerbec-Hutchinson – Anne Urbančič
Easter Traditions - Miriam Čekuta
First CSHS Fundraiser

V6 number 4

Božične jaslice – Anne Urbančič
Donating to the CSHS Archives
Slovenian Music in the Archives – Emily Chicorli
40 Years of Planica H & F Club

V6 Number 3

· Greatest Grandpa Ever – Tessa Vintar
· Hints for How to Write Your Life Story - Anne Urbančič
· The History of Slovenians in Canada between WWI and WWII – Jerry Ponikvar
· A Tribute to John Vintar – Jerry Ponikvar
· Summer Students 2016 – Andrea Davidson & Katherine Sajovec

V6 Number 2

· 25 Years Later – Dorothy Lenarčič
· Canadian Slovenian Historical Society Open House and Student Showcase – Pamela Gosgnach
· Pencil Me In ! – Anne Urbančič
· CSHS Exhibits at Provincial Legislature for Third Time (Niagara farming community recognized) – Dorothy Lenarčič

V6 Number 1

· Message from the President – Marjan Ulčar
· We have a Website
· Reflections of the CSHS – Jožica Vegelj
· Thinking About Envelopes – Anne Urbančič
· Slovenian School and CSHS – Jerry Ponikvar

V5 Number 4

· Meet Our New Volunteers - Anne Zagar, Mario Ulcar, Emily Chicorli, Andrea Davidson
· Christmas Cards - Anne Urbančič
· St. Nicholas (Miklavz)

V5 Number 3

o Leafing Through History - Anne Urbančič
o Slovensko društvo Vancouver - Silva Plut
o Meet our Summer Students; Katherine Sajovec, Natasha Zelko
o An Archives Project for Students - Miriam Čekuta

V5 Number 2

o Meet our new Directors and Volunteer; Lojze Grebenc, Pamela Gosgnach, Barbara Leskovec
o Slovenian Canadian Club of Calgary - Mary Terenta-Donnelly
o History of the Slovenian Canadian Club of Calgary
o The Closure of St. Helen’s Mission Church Beamsville, Ontario - Jerry Ponikvar
o Are You a Secret DELTIOLOGIST? - Anne Urbančič

V5 Number 1

o Poročilo predsednice
o Our presence in the Community – Mary Rozmanc
o Images of Canadian Slovenians
o Church Bulletins - Anne Urbančič
o A Grateful Farewell to Our Archivist Frank Majzelj
o Predragi župljani (Chuch Bulletin from 1965) - Fr. L. Tomc

V4 Number 4

o “A True Renaissance Man” Vilko Čekuta - Miriam Čekuta
o Slovesnosti ob 50-letnici župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega v Hamiltonu - dr. Bogdan Kolar SDB
o CSHS Library at St. Gregory the Great - Jožica Vegelj

V4 Number 3

o Zlatomaišnik - Gospod Ivan Plazar
o SLOVENSKI PARK 1964 – 2014- Frank Majzelj, Denis Majzelj and Jožica Vegelj
o How I Came To Be a Member of CSHS- Mary Ponikvar-Desanti
o Just Picture It! - Anne Urbančič

V4 Number 2

o 50. obletnici slovenske župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega v Hamiltonu
o Župnija Marije Pomagaj praznuje 60. obletnico obstoja 1954 – 2014
o 25 let Slovenskega koordinacijskega odbora Niagara
o Recognition and Special Thanks to Our VP Anne Urbančič
o Thank you, John Doma!
o Suha roba - Anne Urbančič
o Clubs and Organizations Archive Their Activities - Dorothy Lenarčič
o “Your Grandmother was a Saint!” - Dorothy Lenarčič
o Kdo smo? - Results of our Research!
o Boots for Drinking - Mimi O’Handley
o Čestititamo župniji Sv. Vladimirja ob 50. obletnici obstoja
o The Beatles Hysteria – excerpt from Božja Beseda

V4 Number 1

o NOVINE - zgodovinska utemeljitev slovenstva v Prekmurju - dr. France Habjan
o Meet volunteer Jennifer Strtak
o Poročilo predsednice-Jožica Vegelj
o Kdo Smo? Who Are We? - Slovenians in Ottawa

V3 Number 4

o Prizadevna služba božja in nekatere postranske navade današnjih kranjcev
o Boris Pahor, Or How To Make History - Anne Urbančič
o Anne Urbančič Calling All Young History Buffs!!!
o About Business Cards - Anne Urbančič

V3 Number 3

o Razstava „Podobe kanadskih Slovencev“ pri društvu „Planica“ - Frank Brence
o Protect Valued Documents from Flood Damage - Dorothy Lenarčič
o What am I signing: Oral History Consent Form - Anne Urbančič

V3 Number 2

o Slovenian Canadian Club of Calgary - Mary Terenta-Donnelly
o What have we been doing? Ottawa Display - Anne Urbančič
o Celebrating with Slovenian Association SAVA
o Raising the Slovenian Flag at Toronto City Hall
o El Dorado - Anne Urbančič
o What am I signing: Deed of Gift Agreement Form - Anne Urbančič

V3 Number 1

o Praznovanje desetletnice Kanadsko slovenskega zgodovinskega društva in razstava v torontski Mestni hiši
o CSHS Exhibits at Provincial Legislature – Again! This time northern miners recognized - Dorothy Lenarčič
o World Premiere of Concerto by Marjan Mozetich- Anne Urbančič

V2 Number 4

o What is a ‘milestone’ in history?- Dorothy Lenarčič
o Folklorama: Love It/Hate It - Bryen Lebar
o Artifact Display - Anne Urbančič

V2 Number 3

o Reflections on the Images of Canadian Slovenian display in Ljubljana June 20 to July 20 2012. Mary Rožmanc
o After 95 Years, Slovenians Still Find Refuge at St. Cyril’s Church in NYC - Erin Lebar
o Everybody wants to be Slovenian! - Danielle Lenarčič Biss
o What should we do with all this stuff? - Anne Urbančič

V2 Number 2

o Podobe kanadskih slovencev - Images of Canadian Slovenians
o The Slovenian Society of St. Joseph - Društvo sv. Jožefa – Hamilton
o Sounds of a Special Music - Children’s Choir of the parish of Marija Pomagaj in Toronto
o Miner's Safety Hat and Carbide Lamp
o The Brown Suitcase

V2 Number 1

o Who Do You Think You Are? - Dorothy Lenarčič
o Slovensko društvo Sava - Cvetka Kocjančič
o Archive Detectives - Anne Urbanči
o Did you know? - The settlement of Ljubljana goes back to prehistoric times
o Meet Our Volunteers; Laurie O’Handley, Rachael Pinter

V1 Number 4

o Kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društvo priredilo konferenco »Pridružite se nam« - Anne Urbančič / Jožica Vegelj
o Poročilo arhivista - Frank Majzelj
o Award of Excellence - Jerry Ponikvar
o Meet two more volunteers; Mateja Mihelčič, Michael Noehammer

V1 N 3

o Kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društvo -naš skupni slovenski spomenik - Cvetka Kocjančič
o Jože Kastelic, 1920 – 2011 - Dr. Anne Urbančič
o Kardinal Alojzij Ambrožič, 1930 – 2011
o Slovenski zgodovinski atlas - dr. France Habjan
o A New Slovenian Canadian Cultural Centre Rises in Edmonton

V1 N2

o What’s in a Name? - Anne Urbančič
o Slovenska dneva 2011 – Miriam Čekuta
o Demonstrations in support of Independent Slovenia
o Župnija Brezmadežne praznuje 50. Obletnico
o Volunteers of 20 years ago - Dorothy Lenarčič
o Volunteers of today; Danielle Biss, Mimi O’Handley

V1 N 1

o Kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društvo - Poročilo predsednice Jožice Vegel
o The Canadian Slovenian Historical Society – A short history
o Threads Connect the Canadaian Slovenian Community
o Rallies in Support of Slovenia
o It Happened 50 Years Ago in Hamilton
o Meet our Archivist – Frank Majzelj

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