Our Story Index
V12 Number 1 2022 Spring
o Encounters with the Sacred: A Canadian-Slovenian Novel - Berta Milavec Byrne
o CSHS Archives receives support from Library and Archives Canada - Heather Gardner (Archivist)
o The Importance of Those Same Old Stories - Anne Urbančič
o Remembering our Protectors - Helen Smolej-Schaeffer
V8 Number 3
o CSHS Celebrates 15 Years
o 60th Anniversary of the Slovenian Summer Camp - Milena Soršak & Mark Ferkul
o Cookbooks and Archives - Anne Urbančič
o Captain John's Harbour Boat Restaurant - Anne Žagar
o Inside the Archives: Connecting To Family Through Records and Discovery of the Holy Name Society - Emily Chicorli
V7 Number 3 2017 Fall
o Trgatev - Milena Soršak
o Lipa Park 50th Anniversary - Mary Rožmanc
o Povejte Nam Kaj - Anne Žagar
o Forever Slovenian Film - Sarah Pušič Larsen
o Kitchen Secrets- Heidy Novak
o A brief History of Potica - Anne Žagar
o Miloš Zajc, an Immigrant's Kalaidoscope: Slovenia, Italy, Canada - Anne Urbančič
V5 Number 2
o Meet our new Directors and Volunteer; Lojze Grebenc, Pamela Gosgnach, Barbara Leskovec
o Slovenian Canadian Club of Calgary - Mary Terenta-Donnelly
o History of the Slovenian Canadian Club of Calgary
o The Closure of St. Helen’s Mission Church Beamsville, Ontario - Jerry Ponikvar
o Are You a Secret DELTIOLOGIST? - Anne Urbančič
V4 Number 2
o 50. obletnici slovenske župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega v Hamiltonu
o Župnija Marije Pomagaj praznuje 60. obletnico obstoja 1954 – 2014
o 25 let Slovenskega koordinacijskega odbora Niagara
o Recognition and Special Thanks to Our VP Anne Urbančič
o Thank you, John Doma!
o Suha roba - Anne Urbančič
o Clubs and Organizations Archive Their Activities - Dorothy Lenarčič
o “Your Grandmother was a Saint!” - Dorothy Lenarčič
o Kdo smo? - Results of our Research!
o Boots for Drinking - Mimi O’Handley
o Čestititamo župniji Sv. Vladimirja ob 50. obletnici obstoja
o The Beatles Hysteria – excerpt from Božja Beseda
V3 Number 2
o Slovenian Canadian Club of Calgary - Mary Terenta-Donnelly
o What have we been doing? Ottawa Display - Anne Urbančič
o Celebrating with Slovenian Association SAVA
o Raising the Slovenian Flag at Toronto City Hall
o El Dorado - Anne Urbančič
o What am I signing: Deed of Gift Agreement Form - Anne Urbančič
V2 Number 3
o Reflections on the Images of Canadian Slovenian display in Ljubljana June 20 to July 20 2012. Mary Rožmanc
o After 95 Years, Slovenians Still Find Refuge at St. Cyril’s Church in NYC - Erin Lebar
o Everybody wants to be Slovenian! - Danielle Lenarčič Biss
o What should we do with all this stuff? - Anne Urbančič
V1 N 1
o Kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društvo - Poročilo predsednice Jožice Vegel
o The Canadian Slovenian Historical Society – A short history
o Threads Connect the Canadaian Slovenian Community
o Rallies in Support of Slovenia
o It Happened 50 Years Ago in Hamilton
o Meet our Archivist – Frank Majzelj